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Jorge Ayala is a writer, photographer and amateur cereal eater from the San Francisco Bay Area. He's held various positions in numerous yoga classes in strip malls all around the bay.

He believes humor is the best vehicle for any message. Unless it's like, really bad news. Then maybe cool it with the humor. 

He'll gladly sit with you and listen to your entire life story and ask you tons of questions so you can tell he's totally listening. 

He currently makes advertisements with really cool people at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. 

He loves being outside, lifts heavy 5 days a week and runs as often as his knees will allow.

He's married to a woman who's way too hot for him, he doesn't smoke or drink, and he doesn't eat sweets, but once a month he eats his weight in In-N-Out burgers. 

6'2, 215, LEAN.

Bad with names, good with faces.

Boxer briefs.

Here's a few helpful links:

LINKEDIN in case you'd like to connect.

CRIME STOPPERS  in case you're into that sort of thing. 

An INFOMERCIAL I made before my performance review at work.  


Some of the ADS I've made or have thought about making. 

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